
Are Bird Spikes or Netting Better for Bird Deterrents in Commercial Buildings

By | Bird Proofing

Birds can be a nuisance to building and facility managers. Their droppings can lead to extensive damage creating costly repairs and restorations to the building and plaza deck systems. How can this problem be solved? There are many options for bird repellents. A significant factor in the decision-making process is ensuring birds’ safety is front and center.  According to, “Birds are more than just flying animals; they are vital to ecological well-being across the globe. Birds are some of nature’s most able cleaners. One vulture, for example, is responsible for over $10,000 worth of waste removal. They are also massive contributors to pest control. Birds eat 400 to 500 million tons of insects every year. As such, they protect crops and help keep pest populations in check.” Birds are vital to the environmental ecosystem, which must building owners and managers must consider when selecting the best bird repellent for their structures. Below are some of the core considerations when choosing which bird deterrent devices to use.  Spike Bird Deterrent Pros Bird spikes are commonly used bird repellents and see great success. They are used to deter birds from landing in certain areas, hanging around, and creating nests. Some pros to bird deterrent spikes are: Installation is simple and quick. Typically made of metal, the lifespan of bird spikes is long. Bird spikes offer a versatile location selection for use on nearly any surface. They are environmentally friendly. Spikes are harmless to birds and humans when installed correctly.  Spike Bird…

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An Overview of Bird Proofing Buildings

By | Bird Proofing

Building owners and facility managers have implemented bird proofing services into their facilities management tasks. Building bird proofing services are required on virtually every building to prevent structure deterioration, safety hazards, and health risks to humans and also to the birds themselves.   You might be asking yourself, “what is bird proofing?” When someone hears the phrase “bird proofing,” bird safety may not be the first thought that comes to mind. However, it is a major concern to building managers and occupants and its impact on the ecology of the area. With the growing concern and attention drawn to bird safety, “bird-safe material is dropping in cost, and it has already been shown to be economically viable in new projects. In fact, in many cases, opting for bird-safe designs accounts for less than 1% of total costs. And as more attention is brought to the importance of bird-safe buildings, expect these prices to continue falling”, according to What Are Bird Proofing Building Services? Building owners and facility managers are taking steps to eradicate bird concerns within building management. Birds pose a plethora of health and safety concerns and can cause millions of dollars in damage to the building plaza deck system, facades, roofs, and walkways. What is bird proofing? Bird proofing services are an essential component of building care that cannot be ignored. Effective bird proofing services will protect the occupants, birds, and surrounding environment.  Signs That a Building Needs Bird Proofing: Clogged Ventilation – HVAC and chimney ventilation is…

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