building façade access

Prioritizing Safety of Building Façade Access and Fall Protection

By | Building Maintenance

Your building’s façade conveys the first impression of aesthetics and serves as your first line of defense against environmental factors. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires you, as a building owner, to mitigate risks and provide a safe working environment for those performing work on your building, including general maintenance. This article covers the essential role of safety measures in mitigating risks through safe building façade access and proper fall protection. The Significance of Safe Building Façade Access Building collapses are rare. The risk of that happening poses a significant threat to public safety. For this reason, many of our major cities in the U.S. have façade ordinance laws that require inspections. Here are some examples: Chicago is home to the Willis Tower, the treasure of the Windy City skyline. Our nation’s third-tallest building, including antennas, reaches 1,750 feet. Depending on the type of building, Chicago requires façade inspections to occur between four and 12 years for buildings over 80 feet tall. Philadelphia was home to the world’s tallest building from 1894 to 1908. Nowadays, Philly boasts nearly 60 skyscrapers. Façade inspections are required every five years for buildings exceeding six stories or with an appurtenance taller than 60 feet. Safe building façade access facilitates inspections while allowing you to maintain and repair your façade, addressing minor issues before they become big problems. Window cleaning, pressure washing the façade, and leak repairs allow you to extend the life of your building, preserving its value while protecting the public….

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Pressure Washing

The Role of Pressure Washing in Maintaining Your Building’s Exterior

By | Building Maintenance

Adding pressure washing to your routine building maintenance strategy is a simple yet effective way to achieve a clean and attractive facade. In spite of its simplicity, pressure washing is an often neglected strategy for maintaining a building’s exterior thought to be reserved for the toughest of stains or addressing years of neglect. Pressure washing revitalizes surfaces by cleaning and removing pollutants such as oils, mold, graffiti, and rust, thus making your building appear years younger. However, removing all those pollutants also contributes to your building’s structural longevity and can make walkways safer. In this article, we will walk you through the ins and outs of pressure washing, including what you should pressure wash and what you shouldn’t, along with the benefits of adding pressure washing to your routine property maintenance and spring cleaning. The Dual Benefits of Pressure Washing: Aesthetic and Structural In spite of its deep roots in physics, pressure washing is fairly straightforward. A water pump accelerates water creating a high-pressure stream. The water is then directed through a hose and out a spray wand. Users can tackle different levels of cleaning tasks by adjusting the pressure and changing the nozzle. Getting the most out of your commercial property requires proper maintenance that addresses its aesthetic appeal and structural integrity. Pressure washing shines in this facet, as it supports both of these goals. Leveraging this type of facade maintenance will improve your curb appeal, thus adding value. In addition, pressure washing can also remove harmful pollutants capable…

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Paver Pressure Washing Stock

How Spring Cleaning Builds Resilience for Commercial Properties

By | Building Maintenance, Window Cleaning

Leap year provided us an early spring this year, while the “prognosticator of prognosticators,” Punxatawney Phil, all but guaranteed it. With spring comes the welcoming, warm weather, losing an hour of sleep due to daylight savings time, and possibly even more when we realize it’s also time for spring cleaning. For commercial property owners, spring brings about the opportunity to get your buildings in tip-top shape in preparation for all that Mother Nature brings in beauty and beast. This article covers how a robust spring cleaning regiment fortifies your building against the upcoming seasonal challenges. The Power of Spring Cleaning The concept of spring cleaning dates back hundreds of years, if not more, and is steeped in cultural tradition. As a long-standing tradition, spring cleaning presents the perfect opportunity as the temperatures get warmer, the days get longer, and nature awakens from its slumber to restore your building’s shine. The building’s exterior is the first thing people notice, and a well-maintained facade can significantly enhance the building’s curb appeal. Spring cleaning improves the overall appearance and hygiene of your building by removing accumulated dust, dirt, and other debris. While the act of cleaning itself positively impacts health and well-being, it also affects the health and morale of occupants. As a building owner, checking off your spring cleaning list provides a sense of accomplishment and instills confidence that your tenants are taken care of. If you don’t have a spring cleaning checklist, start with an assessment of your property to uncover…

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Professional Glass Restoration

Deep Clean or Glass Restoration, Part 2: Comprehensive Guide to Professional Glass Restoration

By | Building Maintenance, Window Cleaning

Despite your best efforts in regular upkeep, natural wear and tear sometimes take its toll on your windows. When you notice that even the most meticulous cleaning doesn’t restore former glory, it’s time for a strategic pivot. This article will help you recognize the signs of window deterioration and introduce window restoration as a cost-effective and budget-friendly alternative to complete replacement. Glass Restoration: Reviving Your Windows Addressing common issues like stubborn stains and fading clarity shouldn’t cost you an entire window installation. When regular window cleaning isn’t returning your windows to pristine condition or staining, clouding, and etching won’t go away, restoration may be in order. Removing ground-level staining, which is expected due to hard water from irrigation systems, can rejuvenate your windows and add to your building’s curb appeal. This budget-friendly project is smaller in scope than a full glass restoration and is a good addition to any preventative maintenance plan, especially for areas notorious for hard water. Understanding the true potential of glass restoration is knowing when to intervene. This isn’t merely about reversing obvious damage; it’s about preventing the gradual, often unnoticed, deterioration that accumulates into major financial drains. The environmental onslaught of sun and storms, as well as the occasional misadventures of accidental damages, merits a comprehensive approach to window wellness. Commercial Window Restoration Process Revitalizing your commercial windows through restoration isn’t merely an aesthetic upgrade—it’s a strategic move that strengthens their endurance and function. Consider it a proactive measure to secure your property’s market worth…

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Replace Building Sealants

Strategic Sealant Replacement: Knowing the Right Time to Replace Building Sealants

By | Building Maintenance, Waterproofing

What is the key to building longevity? For the Romans, with structures still standing 2,000 years later, it was self-healing concrete. In the U.S., where the average age of commercial buildings qualifies them for an AARP card, the key to longevity is preventative maintenance. Sealants protect buildings and prevent water, air, and other environmental elements from seeping in and wreaking havoc. When left unchecked, external elements can significantly damage your building’s structural integrity and shorten its lifespan. This article will guide you through the optimal timing to replace building sealant, signs of sealant failure, and actionable advice to ensure your building’s longevity and aesthetic appeal. Building Sealant Application and Lifespan Most commercial buildings in the U.S. are in the “old-age” phase of the building life cycle, with an average age of over 53. A condo in Honolulu shows that buildings have the potential to last hundreds of years through a proactive approach and by addressing warning signs before they lead to significant problems. Sealants aim to keep unwanted water, pests, and potentially hazardous pathogens at bay. These applications are an industry staple, but they don’t last forever. They require inspection, reapplication, and replacement to ensure effective weatherproofing and waterproofing. There are two main types of sealants to consider, each offering distinct advantages. Silicone sealants are known for their durability, flexibility, and resistance to temperature variations and UV light, making them ideal for use on glass, metal, or tile surfaces. More of a joint compound than a sealant, silicone dries fast…

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Guidelines for Choosing the Right Building Service Provider

By | Building Maintenance

Choosing the right building service provider is paramount for property managers and building owners. The stakes are high, as a poor selection can lead to inadequate maintenance, increased liability, and even property devaluation. Making an informed decision means considering expertise, safety standards, and customer feedback. This comprehensive guide will assist you in navigating through the selection process, ensuring you partner with a service provider who aligns with your property’s specific needs and maintains its value and integrity. Consequences of Poor Selection: Liability and Cost Implications With so much on the line, the consequences of choosing a substandard service provider can lead to significant liability claims, fines, and costly repairs. Premises Liability Claims: This type of claim arises when injuries occur due to a dangerous condition on another person’s property. To establish a premises liability claim, it’s typically necessary to prove three key elements: a dangerous condition existed on the property, the property owner was negligent in creating or not addressing this condition, and this negligence directly resulted in injury or property damage. Building service providers who lack experience, perform low-quality work, or use cheap materials put building owners at greater risk of falling victim to this type of claim. Lost Time Managing Subpar Vendors: Hiring subpar vendors often results in poor communication, lack of follow-through and response time, and rework. Spending time constantly following up with vendors or even chasing down an unresponsive vendor wastes your time. In the long run, you will likely need to find another provider to…

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Leveraging Building Facade Maintenance to Beat the Odds in a Challenging Market

By | Building Maintenance

In the face of reduced office occupancy post-pandemic, increased vacancies, and a cooling residential rental market, building managers and property owners must once again prioritize their efforts to attract tenants. Strategic façade maintenance enhances aesthetic appeal, attracting tenants and buyers; improves energy efficiency, reducing operational costs; and ensures safety, mitigating costly legal and repair liabilities. This comprehensive approach ensures that every dollar spent on facade maintenance not only preserves but also adds value to the property, making it a wise and fruitful investment in today’s competitive real estate market. Current Market Challenges for Commercial Buildings In today’s uncertain economic landscape, characterized by escalating costs and a squeeze on capital, commercial property owners face a crucial need to adapt. The commercial real estate sector is navigating a turbulent period marked by significant challenges: Impact of High-Interest Rates: Rising interest rates have reduced commercial real estate lending activity. With fixed and floating-rate loan costs increasing, property sales are facing financial pressure. Higher interest rates have raised debt service payments and tightened underwriting criteria, impacting loan proceeds and necessitating additional financial safeguards. Low Office Occupancy Rates: The aftermath of the pandemic has brought about a notable change in work patterns, resulting in decreased office occupancy rates. This change has directly influenced buyer perceptions, making it challenging for property owners to maintain or increase the value of their office spaces. Navigating a Perfect Storm: High interest and low occupancy rates create a perfect storm. Experts predict an outcome that lands somewhere between manageable and…

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commercial window caulking

Caulking & Sealing Commercial Buildings: Why It’s Important to Use Expert Services

By | Building Maintenance

Your commercial building is an essential component of your success, and it is your command center, public face, and a sense of pride for your employees. Protecting your building is of the utmost importance, which is why commercial building service professionals are crucial for maintaining such a significant investment. Expert caulking and sealing protect your asset by sealing off gaps and cracks that might result in air, moisture, and pests penetrating your commercial building. Why Use Caulking/Sealing? Every building is susceptible to gaps and cracks forming between different materials. When moisture penetrates your facility, it further deteriorates and compromises the structure, opening the door to even more severe problems. Air entering your building causes uncomfortable drafts that make energy bills much higher. Caulking the exterior of your commercial building remedies the normal wear and tear that comes with seasonal contraction and expansion. As old caulk loses its elasticity, it is necessary to replace it to maintain the protective shield that is your building’s exterior. As exterior caulking reinforces your building’s protective shield, interior commercial caulking prevents drafts and water damage on the inside. Many areas of your building’s interior need a regular caulk refresh, including the following:  Plumbing fixtures Expansion joints Control joints Baseboard and trim Tubs and showers Countertops Vents and pipes Areas where different materials meet (gas and electrical entrances, air conditioners) Sealing includes weatherproofing concerns that go beyond caulking. Just as building expansion and contraction impact joints and materials, so are surfaces like windows. Reglazing window systems…

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The Benefits of Commercial External Wall Coating Services

By | Building Maintenance

Walls are an essential part of any building, and their integrity and strength are critical barriers that prevent the interior from being exposed to the elements outside. Walls also accentuate the cosmetic and decorative beauty of architecture, and it’s the exterior surface that everyone recognizes when they get a chance to see it. Walls need protection, just like any other architectural surface on a building. That’s why exterior wall coatings are so important for commercial buildings and why property owners across the United States partner with building service companies specializing in exterior wall coatings. This article looks at some of the benefits of maintaining your exterior walls, offering readers a summary of the type of service options available to protect your structure. What are Wall Coatings? Wall coatings refer to a specialized decorative layer that is applied directly to the exterior surface of a building. Applying external coatings protects walls from the constant bombardment they receive while being exposed to the outside world. Dirt, ultraviolet rays, moisture, salts, chemicals, and other debris can cause building surfaces to crack, break, blister, chip, warp, and erode. External wall coatings principally act as a moisture barrier and line of defense from outside exposure; however, they also enhance the architectural beauty of a structure to improve the building’s overall aesthetics. Wall coating systems are generally much thicker than a layer of paint, providing a weather-resistant barrier that helps increase the lifespan of the commercial wall. The thickness of the wall coating also helps cover…

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Why Should Buildings Use Post-Tensioning Systems?

By | Building Maintenance

Commercial concrete management, including post-tensioning systems, is critical to any residential or commercial high-rise and multi-level parking garage construction project. Post-tensioning involves placing prestressed steel “tendons” tightened once the concrete hardens. The additional stress of tightening compresses the concrete into its strongest state, ensuring it can support the external service loads (weight) once using the structure.  Failing to factor in the load-bearing capability of a structure can lead to catastrophic events, such as the collapse of the Hotel New World in Singapore in 1986. The six-story building collapsed in 60 seconds, resulting in 33 deaths. More recently, investigators are still trying to determine the cause of a partial parking garage collapse in Baltimore in July 2022. This article looks closer at post-tensioning systems, explaining what they are, how they work, and their benefits to construction and architecture. We’ll also present some practical applications of post-tensioning concrete, criteria to consider when evaluating such systems, and where to turn for post-tensioning repairs. What is Post-Tensioning? Post-tensioning is a unique design technique that reinforces concrete in commercial building construction. This process helps strengthen concrete, allowing it to hold up better post-construction, keeping structures secure and stable. Post-tensioning tendons generally consist of stainless steel and reinforced cable bundles. These run inside plastic coatings or sleeves, placed inside the casings where concrete is poured before filling. Afterward, the cables are tensioned and anchored against the other concrete edges.  The post-tension acts much the same as support beams and improves the safety and stability of concrete…

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