Waterproofing and Restoration

Top Ten Signs Your Building Requires Waterproofing and Restoration

By | Waterproofing

Some areas of Northern Florida recently experienced over two feet of rainfall in less than a week, causing devastating damage and flooding. If your building has ever faced a water intrusion problem, you know it’s a critical concern that must be repaired immediately. Rapidly identifying and addressing water-related issues while consistently performing proactive measures will reduce repair and restoration expenses while minimizing operational disruptions. This article identifies the top ten signs your building needs waterproofing or restoration services, how to address them, and how to prevent them.   1. Visible cracks in the Façade and Foundation Cracks in a building’s façade or foundation are often the first signs of underlying structural issues. They can vary in size from hairline fissures to more significant gaps. Where to look for cracks in the façade and foundation? Inspect the exterior walls, around windows and doors, and the foundation. Pay particular attention to areas where different materials meet, as these are common weak points. How do you address cracks in the façade and foundation? Small, superficial cracks can often be repaired with sealant or patching compounds. Larger or deeper cracks may require professional evaluation and repair, potentially involving structural reinforcement. How can cracks in the façade and foundation be prevented? Ensure proper drainage around the foundation to prevent water accumulation, which can cause the ground to shift and create cracks. Additionally, waterproofing the building envelope and addressing minor issues promptly can prevent them from becoming significant problems. Read more about why concrete cracks and spalls….

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Water Infiltration: Testing, Repairs, and Prevention

By | Waterproofing

Water is so essential for life but can also be one of the greatest threats to the integrity of our built environments. Its pervasive nature allows it to seep into the smallest cracks and imperfections. When water infiltration occurs, it can exert tremendous pressure, especially when the water freezes or when it leads to soil movement beneath foundations. Testing, repairing, and preventing water intrusion is critical to your building’s longevity. It’s one of those problems that will only get worse over time. This article aims to help you understand water infiltration and how to address it. What Happens When Water Infiltrates the Building Envelope? Water flows without feeling or malice as it respectfully follows the laws of gravity. Your building envelope acts against water to divert it elsewhere and prevent water infiltration. When the envelope or its components fail, and water infiltrates the building envelope, several things can happen, none of which are good for your building. Water molecules are sticky, which means they can carry dirt, pollutants, and other contaminants into your building, exacerbating the damage. Water dissolves other molecules, further breaking down building materials and facilitating mold growth. Water expands and contracts, causing cracks and further damage as temperatures fluctuate. Common entry points for water infiltration are roofs and ceilings, anywhere there are cracks, such as the facade, foundation, or basement, and where sealant fails around entry points or windows. Water isn’t taking a nap behind the scenes. It’s tirelessly breaking down building components, making more room for…

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Replace Building Sealants

Strategic Sealant Replacement: Knowing the Right Time to Replace Building Sealants

By | Building Maintenance, Waterproofing

What is the key to building longevity? For the Romans, with structures still standing 2,000 years later, it was self-healing concrete. In the U.S., where the average age of commercial buildings qualifies them for an AARP card, the key to longevity is preventative maintenance. Sealants protect buildings and prevent water, air, and other environmental elements from seeping in and wreaking havoc. When left unchecked, external elements can significantly damage your building’s structural integrity and shorten its lifespan. This article will guide you through the optimal timing to replace building sealant, signs of sealant failure, and actionable advice to ensure your building’s longevity and aesthetic appeal. Building Sealant Application and Lifespan Most commercial buildings in the U.S. are in the “old-age” phase of the building life cycle, with an average age of over 53. A condo in Honolulu shows that buildings have the potential to last hundreds of years through a proactive approach and by addressing warning signs before they lead to significant problems. Sealants aim to keep unwanted water, pests, and potentially hazardous pathogens at bay. These applications are an industry staple, but they don’t last forever. They require inspection, reapplication, and replacement to ensure effective weatherproofing and waterproofing. There are two main types of sealants to consider, each offering distinct advantages. Silicone sealants are known for their durability, flexibility, and resistance to temperature variations and UV light, making them ideal for use on glass, metal, or tile surfaces. More of a joint compound than a sealant, silicone dries fast…

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waterproofing blog

Staying Ahead of Damage: Embracing Proactive Waterproofing Solutions

By | Waterproofing

Staying Ahead of Damage: Embracing Proactive Waterproofing Solutions Predicting the weather has never been an exact science. Mother Nature is making weather forecasting even more unpredictable with a series of odd weather events, including one of the wettest Januarys on record. Much like meteorologists aim to predict the weather, you aim to predict what measures will best safeguard the structural integrity and value of your building in the long run. Effective waterproofing prevents costly water damage by addressing potential risks before crises occur. This article will dive into the benefits of proactive waterproofing and why this investment delivers a layer of security to reduce risk against the known and the unknown. Avoid Disaster with Proactive Waterproofing A study by the EPA revealed that 85% of buildings randomly surveyed across the U.S. had past water damage. Nearly half of these buildings were still experiencing problems with water damage, and over one-third reported leaks in occupied spaces. Once water infiltrates a building and continues unmitigated, it can lead to various issues, including mold growth, structural damage, and even health hazards for occupants. The commonality of water damage and its potential to cause damage merit a proactive approach to stop water infiltration. A proactive approach creates and maintains a waterproof barrier around your building envelope. This approach differs from reactive waterproofing, which involves repairing damage after signs of water infiltration. Repairing water damage is costly, far surpassing the cost of preventative measures. In addition to cost savings, a proactive approach to waterproofing reduces…

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Top Causes of Stadium Structure Deterioration

By | Waterproofing

Stadiums are structures used for sports and other events and feature many cement floors subjected to extreme wear and tear and exposure to climate fluctuations. With the constant flow of foot traffic of spectators, personnel, and athletes, stadiums are built to withstand the test of time with essential stadium maintenance.  However, problems can arise without proper reinforcement, repair of stadiums, correct installation, and routine maintenance. An article in The Dallas Morning News discusses an improperly installed $20 million stadium project in McKinney, Texas. It states that “the cracks are a combination of three factors. Too much water was added to the concrete mixture, which caused the concrete to shrink excessively as it dried. The cross-section along pier lines didn’t have enough concrete. And investigators said the area had insufficient steel reinforcing to control the cracking shrinkage.” There are many causes of structure degradation, and there are also many ways to prevent these issues. Understanding the technicalities of concrete, reinforcements, and waterproofing is vital to the longevity of a stadium structure.  What Causes Stadium Structural Degradation Many factors can cause rapid degradation of stadium structures, especially when subjected to heavy foot traffic and constant exposure to the elements. These spaces can be damaged easily by a lack of routine maintenance, proper waterproofing, and incorrect concrete repair.  Exposure to climate changes and moisture means that proper waterproofing is a must. Without adequate waterproofing, water can seep through cracks in concrete and cause extensive damage to all structure parts. Another major contributing factor…

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waterproofing world-class stadiums

An Overview of Waterproofing World-Class Stadiums: Maintenance, Restoration, and Repair

By | Waterproofing

Waterproofing world-class stadiums and stadium structural maintenance management make up crucial components that ensure the safety of fans, players, and employees. Stadium structures consist of concrete and steel, constantly exposed to the elements and high traffic. These factors can compromise structural integrity, requiring stadium maintenance, restoration, and repair.  Everything from the stadium roof structure to the support beams to the flooring needs careful maintenance and upkeep. According to IbisWorld.com,  “Over the five years to 2021, demand for the Sports Stadium Construction industry improved, as funding for industry projects increased in light of the recovering economy. Industry operators build, renovate and maintain sports stadiums, arenas and fields. Increasing incomes have caused government tax receipts to grow, leading to higher funding for educational and commercial institutions.” The report noted, “Moreover, the economic recovery has also caused sports franchise industry revenue to grow, which when combined with growing public funds, caused demand for large professional sports stadiums to rise as well. Therefore, industry revenue is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 1.7% to $12.3 billion over the five years.” This growth puts an even greater demand on the maintenance of stadium structures.  The longevity of your facility requires a regular, consistent maintenance plan that is tailored to your building and includes all of the numerous factors that play into the stadium’s life expectancy. Below are some tips on maintaining and waterproofing world-class stadiums to help reduce the need for frequent repairs and reconstruction. Why Waterproofing Is Vital for Stadium Maintenance and…

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What to Expect in Emergency Leak Repairs

By | Waterproofing

Commercial building maintenance will inevitably encounter emergency leak repairs in the structure’s building envelope. While commercial building flood damages account for more than $13 billion annually, as reported by CNBC, there’s another way that water infiltration can enter and damage your building: in the building envelope. Whether damage to the building envelope occurs over time or swiftly, in some cases an emergency repair might be essential. Knowing when it is time to replace commercial windows and doors and when temporary repairs will suffice is crucial for building owners to the total cost of ownership.  What Are Emergency Leak Repairs and Their Typical Causes? Unfortunately, no one is safe when it comes to building and maintenance repairs. Situations like commercial roof flashing system failure or cracks in concrete that will sabotage the building’s envelope will develop in a matter of time. Emergency leak repairs keep everything functioning temporarily, and if done correctly, they will fix the issue. Emergency repairs happen when the weather, age, physical damage, and broken windows or doors wear down the building and the protective layers and coatings. Erosion and decay occur naturally, but everyday use and poor weather conditions can accelerate these problems. In addition to these issues, faulty HVAC systems, sprinkler systems, and unchecked damages on the roof and windows can lead to untimely repairs. It can be unpredictable at times, so getting ahead of the issues is best.   Steps Common in Emergency Leak Repairs A few common steps can be helpful when tackling these repairs….

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The Guide to Commercial Glass Repair, Replacement and Maintenance

By | Waterproofing

Of all the issues commercial building managers have to keep up with, high-rise window replacement and maintenance is perhaps one of the most vital yet overlooked. The biggest reason many building managers decide not to invest in high-performing glass products or choose to put off vital repair and maintenance work simply comes down to cost. Oftentimes, the best quality products are budgeted out of a project simply for the sake of saving money on the initial cost of installation and building maintenance. However, the price tag for quality glass installation should be compared to the long-term costs of building construction and maintenance. In almost all cases, investing in the highest possible quality right from the start will more than pay for itself in less maintenance and repair expenses and overall energy savings. Commercial glass replacement can be pricey but dealing with massive cleanups and replacement costs can cost a great deal more. Commercial glass maintenance is about more than just keeping windows and doors looking nice. Choosing the right quality glass and glass treatments can greatly reduce energy expenses and lighting costs and help building management to better control waste and maintain sustainability all year round.  According to Glass Magazine, “HVAC systems account for about 40 percent of total energy use in commercial buildings, according to the Department of Energy. Meanwhile, lighting systems capture about 16 percent of electricity costs.” This can greatly expand the expenses associated with keeping large high-rise buildings and offices light and temperature controlled. However, building…

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Commercial Roof Flashing System Failure Causes and Reasons Not to Ignore It

By | Waterproofing

Commercial roof flashing can prevent water leaks and damages from occurring on a building and leading to more complex and costly issues. Repairing or observing roof flashing has a lot smaller price tag than paying for an entirely new roof. Looking at the difference price-wise between the two,  “The cost of roof flashing repairs is also subject to the total cost of the roofing repair as a whole, and if the whole roof requires replacement due to flashing system failure, technically the flashing repair becomes an $8,000+ cost for a flat roof or around $7,000 for shingled roofs. It’s all subject to the type of roof on the commercial building and how extensive the commercial roof flashing system failure is,” explains Forbes. Keeping tabs on the roof flashing system can be difficult to remember, but handling the outcome of not keeping a close eye on the flashings is even worse. Not noticing the damages and failures in roof flashings can lead to water leaks, water damages, and potentially the need for a new building structure. What Are Commercial Roof Flashings? Flashing is a material installed to direct rainwater and other precipitation away from the roof and into the gutter to prevent water from causing issues. Some roof areas have a higher chance of causing a leak, especially where the water collects and sits, like valleys where two roof slopes meet. Due to the potentially extreme damage water can cause, flashings get installed at every point where the roof joins another…

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Understanding Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) and Stucco Repair for Commercial Buildings

By | Waterproofing

Understanding Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) and Stucco Repair for Commercial Buildings Minimizing energy use is a top priority for building owners, maintenance staff, and building occupants. Improper energy use can have many origins, including failure to shut off appliances, running lighting systems during vacancy hours, and excessive use of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning or refrigeration (HVAC/R) systems. Part of this comes down to the quality of the exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS). While building occupants can make meaningful improvements in interior energy use, the biggest drivers of energy use in these buildings come from the HVAC/R systems. This is simply due to the increased energy use needed to keep the interior comfortable and effectively shielded from the heat loss or gain of the outside world.  In the U.S., the age of the building is directly related to its energy-efficiency needs. According to the U.S. Energy Information Agency’s “2018 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Report, ” more than half of all buildings in the U.S. were built between 1960 and 1999. Among these buildings, the main culprits of energy consumption include space heating (83%) and cooling (78%). More troubling, out of all potential energy efficiency improvements, only LED lighting had increased in use since 2012. While this data is already three-years-old, it’s still the most recent year for which the study was commissioned. As a result, it’s a safe assumption that improving building energy efficiency comes down to recognizing the issues in existing buildings and improving their…

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