
Parking Garage Maintenance: What to Do to Prevent High-Cost Structural Repairs?

By | Parking Garage Services

Parking garages face unique challenges due to their constant exposure to vehicular traffic, environmental elements, and heavy loads. As a result, they require diligent, routine attention for basic upkeep like cleaning, lighting, and proactive structural care. This preventative maintenance, as well as responsive repairs, are essential for ensuring safety, preserving profitability, and maintaining property value. Investing in routine parking garage maintenance also ensures smaller issues are resolved before they become larger —and much more costly— structural repairs. Especially noteworthy is the increased adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), often 30% heavier than traditional gas-powered cars, adding an extra layer of stress to parking structures. A recent assessment of four parking garages in Asheville, NC, found they needed over $11 million in repairs, and continued deferred maintenance could lead to structure collapse. This article contrasts regular maintenance costs with extensive repairs due to neglect, underscoring the importance of proactive care for parking structures. Parking Garage Essential Maintenance Practices Parking garage maintenance should be a top priority. Here are some best practices for knowing where and what to look for and the action needed to maintain the facility and avoid the high costs of more extensive repairs.   Monitoring for Leaks, Spills, and Damage: Vigilantly checking for any signs of leaks, spills, or structural damage and addressing these issues promptly to prevent minor problems from escalating into significant concerns. Structural Assessments: Regular structural assessments identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems. Sealing and Waterproofing: Applying sealants protects against water infiltration, which…

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