
Top Causes of Stadium Structure Deterioration

By | Waterproofing

Stadiums are structures used for sports and other events and feature many cement floors subjected to extreme wear and tear and exposure to climate fluctuations. With the constant flow of foot traffic of spectators, personnel, and athletes, stadiums are built to withstand the test of time with essential stadium maintenance.  However, problems can arise without proper reinforcement, repair of stadiums, correct installation, and routine maintenance. An article in The Dallas Morning News discusses an improperly installed $20 million stadium project in McKinney, Texas. It states that “the cracks are a combination of three factors. Too much water was added to the concrete mixture, which caused the concrete to shrink excessively as it dried. The cross-section along pier lines didn’t have enough concrete. And investigators said the area had insufficient steel reinforcing to control the cracking shrinkage.” There are many causes of structure degradation, and there are also many ways to prevent these issues. Understanding the technicalities of concrete, reinforcements, and waterproofing is vital to the longevity of a stadium structure.  What Causes Stadium Structural Degradation Many factors can cause rapid degradation of stadium structures, especially when subjected to heavy foot traffic and constant exposure to the elements. These spaces can be damaged easily by a lack of routine maintenance, proper waterproofing, and incorrect concrete repair.  Exposure to climate changes and moisture means that proper waterproofing is a must. Without adequate waterproofing, water can seep through cracks in concrete and cause extensive damage to all structure parts. Another major contributing factor…

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