7 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Commercial Windows and Doors


Glass is a major component of many commercial buildings and accounts for a large part of the care and attention given to commercial windows and doors in skyscrapers and facilities. According to Facility Executive, the type of glass used, the coatings and sealants used, and their position in the building can help improve energy usage and maximize energy efficiency. In northern climates, this can help keep heat and reflected light inside the building; in southern climates, it can help keep heat out of the building.

With so much riding on the use of glass in windows and doors, it is important to stay on top of facility management and ensure staff replaces commercial windows and doors when necessary. It is important to look for the following signs indicating it is time to replace commercial glass components.

1. Age of the Glass

Replacing commercial windows and doors is necessary when the glass itself gets to an age where it is more prone to breaking and damages. It is usually better to replace older panes before anything serious happens. Preemptive work can save time and money in the long run for building managers.

2. Clarity of Visibility

When management needs to replace commercial windows and doors, one deciding factor is visibility. As glass ages and is exposed to the elements, it can grow cloudy, stained, and otherwise difficult to see through as easily as before. This is a telltale sign that replacements are needed.

3. Changes in Utility Costs

Another sign that glass components need replacing is when utility bills increase. When nothing else changes and it costs more to heat or cool a space, the windows and doors are the first places to look for issues. Replacing glass and checking the seals is key to repair and inspections.

4. Visible Damages

Visible signs of wear, tear, and damage to the glass is a rather obvious sign that it is time to replace commercial windows and doors. Cracks, chips, scratches, peeling, and other indications of excessive damage should not be ignored and must be addressed as soon as possible.

5. Issues Opening/Closing

If there are reports or complaints that it is becoming difficult to open or close commercial windows and doors, it is time to consider glass services or replacements. Sticking, grinding, gaps in seals, and difficulty locking and unlocking can all be signs of underlying issues and structural concerns.

6. Condensation

While it is normal to get water accumulation on the outside of windows due to external weather and environmental factors, the same should not happen on the inside. Condensation is a significant concern and should not be ignored as it shows issues with commercial window and door integrity. 

7. Air Flow

Another sign that building management might need glass repair or replacement services is indications of excessive air flow around windows and doors. Air exchange can be a serious issue in commercial buildings, so it is vital to check for air leaks when checking for water leaks around windows and doors.

Improve Your Building’s Efficiency by Replacing Commercial Windows and Doors Properly and When Necessary

Facility managers and building maintenance teams must keep a close eye on commercial windows and doors to ensure they stay in good working order. So much depends on the safe installation and upkeep of glass in windows and doors in commercial buildings, skyscrapers or high rises, and other facilities in nearly every major city today. It is no wonder the need for professional glass cleaning and maintenance services is in such high demand. Facilities maintenance crews, building management and staff must stay on top of glass inspection and maintenance routines and be willing to replace commercial windows and doors when necessary. Learn more by speaking with an HSG INC expert now and partner with professional glass care experts today.

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