Unaddressed water damage can mar the aesthetics of your property and lower its value. Balconies also increase the chances of water penetrating the building enclosure.

Why waterproof your balcony? Because it protects your entire building.

Residents, tenants, visitors – everyone loves balconies. In fact, they’ll pay a premium to have one. But without proper waterproofing, a prize selling point for your property can become a real liability.

At the very least, unaddressed water damage can mar the aesthetics of your property and lower its value. Balconies also increase the chances of water penetrating the building enclosure, causing infrastructure damage and leading to expensive repairs. And in a worst case scenario, water damage can cause structural failure, injury and death.

Balcony water damageHow water damages balconies

Most balconies on commercial properties are made of concrete, and even well-built ones are susceptible to water damage simply because they’re exposed to the elements. Poorly constructed ones are even more vulnerable, because water often pools in a central area, accelerating deterioration.

Water is persistent, opportunistic and aggressive. Wherever it CAN go, it WILL go. And take it from us, it loves concrete (and many other materials). Left to its own devices, water will loosen tiles. It’ll cause cracks, bubbles, splitting and flaking. Water will weaken joints and posts. It will also stain and smell and impede the functioning of balcony doors. That’s because water won’t just stay on the balcony, it’s will seep from it and through it into the building itself, causing all manner of problems. The mold alone will be a disaster.

But here’s the good news

Waterproofing Membranes is a particular strength of ours. We know how to protect balconies reliably and effectively. All it takes is expertise, the right materials and tools – and unrelenting vigilance. And because balconies are, by definition, above the ground, we also focus (unrelentingly) on safety.

When it comes to protecting balconies, there are a number of options. First, there’s sheet membrane waterproofing, which involves applying special waterproof sheets to the balcony and either torching or gluing them to achieve proper adhesion.

Liquid membranes are self-adhesive, and they don’t require joining because they provide a complete waterproofing layer. Balconies, of course, come in all shapes and sizes, so liquid membranes are an ideal solution to achieve total and uniform coverage. And they work not only on concrete flooring but on walls, railings, and stairs.

By the way, waterproofing treatments not only resist water. In many cases they can decrease scuffing, scraping and other damage to your property.

What to do first

Repairing and waterproofing a balcony.Call us. We’ll come right out and assess your vulnerabilities, identify any problems, and develop a plan to protect your property. Our team specializes in pinpointing the precise location of leaks, and we can follow their path wherever they lead.

It’s understandable for building owners and managers to assume that because balconies are built to be outside, they’re designed to withstand the elements. The fact is, almost everything is vulnerable to water damage, except surfaces that are regularly and expertly inspected and water-proofed.

Contact us, and we’ll provide your balconies – and every other part of your building exterior – the protection you need to maximize the value of your property.


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